Get beautiful dental implants from the most talented professionals in Liverpool at our state of the art Dental Implant Centre.

Having a laugh, eating a  meal or receiving a compliment makes us feel good, but many people don’t feel they can live life to the full because of their missing teeth.


People think dental implants and tooth replacement here in the UK are too expensive. In 2024, this is simply not true. If you’re suffering from missing teeth, then your answer may be Dental Implants with Smileworks.

Before After

implants explained

With quality as good as your natural teeth, titanium implants are fitted into your bone with a new crown placed on top to create a beautiful, life-like appearance and a natural, long-lasting result. Sourced from reputed manufacturers, the implant products we use are made from high-grade materials. We believe in providing our patients with long-term results and refuse to compromise on the quality of the materials used in our dental implants.


Patients describe our dentists as "artists," "superheroes," "magicians," and "like chatting to friends." They describe their treatment as "life-changing" and report "smiling non-stop" after their procedures. At Smileworks, you will be "absolutely overwhelmed" by the professionalism and quality of the care you receive. That is our promise.


Are dental implants right for you? Simply having good oral health makes you a good candidate for dental implants. Beyond that, jawbone thickness and sinusal anatomy are also important factors to consider. Our clinicians here at Smileworks can help you determine if you are a good candidate.

Implant Infographic

There are many different kinds of dental implants. To fix gaps and missing teeth, dental bridges are likely the best option. But if the top structure of the tooth is damaged by decay while the root structure remains intact, you may need a root canaldental crown, or simply a white filling. To learn more about implant retained dentures, follow the link to our page on All on 4.  Alternatively, if you are looking for something more comprehensive, then follow the link to our page about Smile Makeovers.

the procedure

We have been and always will be one of the most advanced dental implant clinics in the country. With a dedicated dental implant surgeon to carry out our state-of-the-art operations which are at the forefront of the industry, we pride ourselves on delivering patients with excellent results. Utilising the latest techniques and materials, coupled with the years of experience, we can help give you the smile you have always wanted and the function your mouth deserves.

First, you will see out treatment coordinator who will explain the procedure and book you in for your initial consultation. At your consultation, our talented dentist will examine your mouth and explain the options available to you. This appointment also includes x-rays, checks for gum disease, and an assessment of the strength of your jawbone.

Afterwards, you will receive your treatment plan. This is a full and itemised breakdown of all the work you’ll need. You may receive more than one treatment plan depending on your needs. Many patients want treatment right away, while others prefer to break it up into parts.

Everything required for the surgery will be set up for you prior to your arrival at Smileworks. Many patients choose to be sedated before their treatment to make things more comfortable, and this is completely up to you.

Once you're in the chair, your surgeon will explain the procedure. You will first be numbed with special anaesthetic all around your mouth, and you will feel absolutely nothing. Then, you can relax as the implant procedure begins and let the professionals do their work.

Most patients report feeling very little discomfort following the procedure. This is because Smileworks dental implants are gently placed and immense care is taken to the various tissues involved. Our expert implantologists will keep you comfortable at each stage of your implant journey.

You will be encouraged to go home and rest right after your surgery. If you’re sedated, you must be picked up by a friend or family member. Sedated patients are often sleepy don’t even remember much about the surgery the next day.

You can eat and drink as normal following your surgery. Our dentists, treatment coordinators and front of house will be in constant contact for the few days following your procedure. This is to ensure you’re healing well. Your dentist will have placed a healing cap on the implant, and you’ll still have a gap and no visible crown.

Once the implant is settled you will be booked in for hygiene appointments and Airflow dental treatment for gold standard implant maintenance. 

In the months after your implant is placed, you’ll be given lots of advice and guidance from our team. Remember you are free to call us whenever you like and share anything that's worrying you. Most patients go through their healing process with no problems at all.

When the implant is firmly in the bone, you return to Smileworks to have the crown placed. Your replacement tooth will be beautiful and natural-looking. A talented implantologist will have spent a good amount of time consulting with you to get this part just right. At Smileworks, our implant treatments come with a 5 year guarantee. If there are any problems, you can come back and get them fixed.

As with natural teeth, dental implants and the new teeth attached to them require good oral hygiene and prudent aftercare. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, and should attend regular follow-up appointments with your Liverpool dentist and hygienist to ensure your implants remain healthy.


"Special thanks as well to Dr Yanis for replacing my front dead tooth with a brand new implant. I have regained my confidence to smile just on time for the Christmas and New Years."


"Very professional and relaxing atmosphere, listened to an concerns, gave honest advice."


"You cannot ask for a better bunch of people to take care of your teeth!"


"I was really impressed by my treatment MJ and team was wonderful. I highly recommend Smileworks"


"I have received a personalized service catered to my needs that does not cost the earth - highly recommended. MJ and Ed are both lovely and do their upmost to ensure the service you receive is seamless and friendly."


single vs. multiple teeth implants

Implants can replace one or several teeth. An implant crown can be placed where a single tooth is missing in order to restore this tooth in the mouth. In this case, the crown is placed on an abutment, which acts as the connection between the implant and the crown. Single tooth implant crowns can look just like normal teeth if the necessary skill is used to prepare the tissues, including the gum.


Implant retained dental bridges can be used when there are two or more teeth missing next to each other. The number of implants needed is actually less than the number of missing teeth in this case. You will be able to bite, chew and speak as normal.  With good care, implant retained crowns and bridges can last a lifetime.

dental implant cost

We understand that dental implants are not cheap. They’re also unfortunately not available on the NHS, so you can’t get them for free. Since they are the most natural, long lasting and healthy method of replacing a tooth, this treatment does not come cheap. To read more about why dental implants cost what they do, you can check out our report here.

Generally, single tooth implants will cost £2,500, and full mouth implants can range from £15,000 to £30,000.

Fortunately, here at Smileworks we offer a variety of patient finance options, and it's uncommon for patients to pay for the dental implant treatment upfront.

implant price graph




We use the world’s most used implant - Osstem. Each implant system has its advantages, but Osstem have dominated the market due to their variety of implant designs which enables us to choose the best design for each individual case. While there are cheaper systems available, they do not have the research, quality, and reliability that we require.

The cost of implants is spread out in different areas. First, there’s the actual titanium implant. This is made of a special material that can integrate with your bone and sit firmly in your jaw. 

Then, there’s the replacement tooth that goes onto the implant. This is called the crown, and it is painstakingly fashioned from hard and durable materials. This process is not cheap. The crown and implant make up about half of your fee.

Finally, the rest goes to paying your implantologist and running our beautiful implant clinic. Smileworks is brimming with technology. 

If you are interested in reading more on why dental implants cost what they do, check out our report here!

Single tooth implants are the most expensive at about £2,500 an implant. This is because if you just want one implant, then all the overheads, preparation, x-rays and everything involved in placing it is used on only one implant.

Once you start having multiple implants then savings can be made, and things work out slightly cheaper. You’ll get an itemised treatment plan from Smileworks with everything on there so there’ll be no surprises.

All on 4Smile Makeovers and multiple implant cases can be anywhere from £8,000 to £50,000.

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure that creates more healthy bone in patients whose bone levels have diminished. If you’ve had a gap for some time, the bone will have receded. This is because healthy bone needs to be stressed and strained by external forces to remain strong. 

The procedure involves slightly lifting the sinus membrane and inserting synthetic material that causes bone levels to return to normal. Following the healing procedure, you will be able to have an implant placed as normal.

A bone graft is similar to a sinus lift in that synthetic bone material is squirted into areas of thin or non existing bone. Sinus lifts are only available on the back teeth and on the uppers. If you have little or no bone on the bottom teeth or at the front, then a bone graft is the appropriate procedure.

This is where the hole is made as normal for the implant screw and placed in the area of insufficient bone depth or density. Then bone substitute material is placed around the implant. It will then be sutured up and left to heal. The healing process takes 3-6 months, and afterwards, the implant procedure can continue as normal.

The answer might often be different for two different patients and we cannot stress the importance of getting a consultation so your dentist can go through all the options with you in and make you a personalised treatment plan.

Implants are titanium screws that are placed into the jaw using precision surgical techniques. They do not require attaching to either side of the tooth you lose. This is different from a bridge, which must be attached to part of the tooth. Bridges are three teeth fused to each-other. There is the tooth that replaces the missing tooth (thats in the middle) and two either side.

Dental Bridge vs Dental Implant

Please call the office if you’d like to discuss the dental bridge vs dental implant question in more detail. We have highly trained treatment coordinators and front of house on call to answer all your questions.

Implant dentistry is complicated surgery. Dentists carrying out this procedure need to be highly qualified and talented. This is both keep you safe and ensure an aesthetically beautiful result. 

While incredibly unlikely at Smileworks, there are a number of things that can go wrong with implants, all of which can be discussed with you during your appointment:

  • Problems with the bone and successful integration of the implant
  • Problems with the new tooth surface and the quality of the restoration
  • Implantitis (also called periimplantitis)
  • Nerve problems
  • Jaw problems and problems with your bite
  • Issues with blood vessels and bleeding
  • Poorly fitting denture or replacement teeth in an ‘all on four’ procedure.

Sedation works either by giving you pills the night before or an IV right before your treatment to relax you. You’ll need a chaperone to bring you to and from your appointment. This can be a family member, friend or neighbour.

IV sedation works by putting a line into the back of your hand or arm and infiltrating the drug into your bloodstream. This type of sedation is stronger and a specially trained team will look after you throughout.

While under sedation, you’ll feel warm, comfortable and sleepy. You will also not remember much about the appointment. Each patient responds differently to sedation and some like to talk, others like to sleep and some just sit and relax.


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