A dental bridge or Maryland bridge is a cost effective way to close unsightly gaps in your smile that might be making you self-conscious. Apart from being unsightly, gaps in your smile can also make it difficult to chew food and lead to strain and stress on surrounding teeth, excessive wear and problems with your bite that may cause headaches and muscle problems. Gaps (usually caused by decay, infection or gum disease requiring tooth removal can also lead to gum disease and fixing tooth decay with fillings. So in general gaps are considered very bad for your dental health. If you are looking for Dentures then follow the link here: Dentures Liverpool.
Here at Smileworks we do some of the best bridgework in Liverpool and have literally hundreds of delighted patients coming to see us each month for restorative work of this kind. You can see some reviews below. Bridges are one of many ways to fix gaps in your smile, others are braces and Implants. Click the links to learn more about these.
Bridges cost £850 per tooth unit. So a one unit bridge costs £850, a two unit would cost £1,700, a three unity would cost £2,550, and so on. This is around half the dental implants cost making bridges an extremely cost effective solution for gaps and missing teeth.
Bridge per tooth | from £850
Bridges, like all our cosmetic dentistry is available on dental finance. We understand some work can be expensive. We help you pay with 0%APR finance options. Get an instant result in our office or at home. We offer patient finance through Medenta Finance (subject to age and status, minimum spend applies)
Here’s one of our latest Bridge before and afters:
Here’s a useful video outlining the procedure for implant supported bridges.